Mizgîn | Technology Zuowei Teknolojî 2022 Xelata Zêrîn a US Muse
Recently, the 2022 US MUSE Design Awards (MUSE Design Awards) officially announced the results of the winners, as the technology as the intelligent care robot in the fierce competition stood out, won the 2022 US MUSE Gold Award. Ev xelatek navneteweyî piştî w ...Zêdetir bixwînin -
Piştî Xelata Dot ya Almanya ya Almanya, Teknolojiya Zuawei dîsa 2022 xelata başkirina Ewropî "qezenc kir
Di van demên dawî de, xelatên sêwirana baş a Ewropî (Xelatên sêwirana Ewropî) xelatên bi fermî hatin ragihandin. With innovative product design and excellent product performance, Zuowei Technology's Intelligent Urinary and Fecal Care Robot stood out among many internation...Zêdetir bixwînin -
Zuowei Technology Robotek Lênêrîna Tenduristî 2022 Xelata Hilbera Product Almanya Dot
Zêdetir bixwînin - Di 17ê Mijdarê de, pêşangeha bijîşkî ya 54emîn Medica li Düsseldorf, Almanya, li encamek serfiraz hat. More than 4,000 medical industry-related companies from all over the world gathered on the banks of the Rhine River, and the world's latest high prec...Zêdetir bixwînin